World Premiere Performance





01. The Flight of the Bumble-Bee
02. Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor
03. Handel's Sarabande
04. Croatian Rhapsody
05. Exodus
06. Dance of the Baroness
07. Chopin Nocturne in D flat*
08. Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody*
09. Claudine
10. Hana's Eyes
11. Wonderland
12. Chopin's Etude in C minor
13. Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
14. Cubana Cubana
15. The Flight of the Bumble-Bee (solo)

Bonus Tracks
The Flight of the Bumble-Bee promo video
Exodus promo video


這位克羅地亞鋼琴玩家,過去一年來已三次訪港,〈The Piano Player〉在港亦賣得雙白金驕人成績,早已攻陷無數本地樂迷。欣賞過Maksim演出的樂迷,必被他獨特的台風所吸引。這DVD收錄了Maksim早前於倫敦Roundhouse的演出,獨特場地加上弦樂團伴奏,精采非常。曲目方面當然有大家難忘的"Exodus"、
"Flight Of The Bumble-Bee",也有動聽極的"Claudine"(梁漢文"信望愛"原曲)...... 單看DVD還未足夠的話,那麼便親身感受他的魅力,四月下旬Maksim將於演藝學院舉行首次正式演奏會,還會聯同弦樂隊及以full band形式上陣,撲飛請早!





